Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Visits

My NCAA bracket isn't looking too bad. I picked 35 out of 48 correctly so far. My picks for the final 4 are all still in it.

Louisville vs Memphis........Duke vs North Carolina
Louisville vs North Carolina
North Carolina
Dad and Ellen were in town this weekend. They stayed at my house so I got to spend some time with them.
Sunday I went out to see Em, Nate, and the boys at their new house. The house is great, it's big and there seems to be plenty of room for everyone to run around. It's in a really nice subdivision and the community park is only about 1 1\2 blocks away. Yesterday we walked over and played until about dark.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm jealous! After a sneak peak at spring, it is winter again here!
