Monday, June 8, 2009

I haven't done a blog entry in a while so I thought I would do a quick one tonight. Last weekend the family all came to support Ryan and Sochilt because the 3 babies were blessed in church. It was good to see and spend time with everyone. I had fun going to see Up in 3-D, we played miniature golf one night, had a nice big meal with everyone at Ryan's house on Sunday. It's rare and can be pretty stressful to be with both parents and their spouses all at the same time. The lunch party was went great though. Rob and Brandy stayed at my house with me. Mindy stayed over 2 nights, and Malakye even stayed over 1 night. Mom came out to help with the triplets like a week before. I really enjoyed getting to spend some quality time with her. Whether it was going out to dinner at one of our favorite spots, or the 70 mile car ride out to Em's house, I enjoyed spending that time with my Mama.

Today was my flex day. I went shopping around for a new treadmill. I found one I like but it's big. It comes in a box and I wasn't sure if it would fit in the Xterra. I'm going to see if I can get someone to help me pick it up, get it home and upstairs.

While I was out today I also got a big-boy-burrito from Chipotle and went and saw The Land of the Lost movie. It was kind of silly but it was ok. I used to really like the old tv show. I still like Sleestacks.

1 comment:

emily and Nate said...

Hooray an update! I was beginning to think you gave up on the blog. I remember Land of the Lost, I knew it was going to be silly when I saw who was in it but i'll still probably see it.